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I want to take a moment and elaborate on a topic I have skirted around however I believe it is on the minds of many people and that was confirmed when I read an article in the NY Times Opinion section dated March 22, 2020 entitled, “Where Is Gd in the Covid Impact Synagogue Pandemic”.

I believe strongly in the Kabbalistic idea of Tzimtzum, the retraction of Gd’s-self in order for the creation of the world to take place. Therefore, making room for Gd to not be ALL powerful. (this is an extremely brief explanation.)

To answer the question, I must share an experience with you. In 2015, my daughter Sawyer, at 1 year old, was diagnosed with cancer. (She is almost 6 and cancer free today, thank goodness). Going through that horrible experience made me question. So many things especially my relationship and concept of Gd. Because I was asking, “How could Gd do this to Sawyer?” I knew my concept of Gd was not what I truly believed in, but what did I believe? Thus, began my journey.

After much prayer, arduous contemplation and journaling this is what I have discovered for myself. Gd retracted Gd’s self to create the world; Gd also gave us free will. Because Gd is not all powerful there are horrible things that happen. The Pandemic is one of them. I don’t believe Gd is responsible any more than Gd was responsible for giving Sawyer cancer and Covid Impact Synagogue .

What I do believe is along the lines of this beautiful poem by Abraham Joshua Heschel:

“Prayer cannot bring water to parched fields, or mend a broken bridge, or rebuild a ruined city; but prayer can water an arid soul, mend a broken heart, and rebuild a weakened will.”

Effects of Prayers

In other words, prayer and Gd, in my opinion can’t take away the virus anymore than thinking that Gd created the virus in the first place. What prayer and Gd can do is give us the strength, courage and stamina to face the challenges. We are being met with. Prayer can give us the peace we need to face the grief we feel in our hearts.

Our belief in Gd can give us comfort when we are feeling alone during our isolation. Focused prayer can bring a sense of calm to our countenance so that during our various video conferences we can bring healing to others in need.

I pray we all feel the warmth of Gd’s loving and compassionate embrace. I pray we recognize the brave, courageous and strong people that we are. I pray we call upon all the love that Gd has placed in our hearts and share that light of love all around the world. Amen

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